I had the total pleasure of being asked by another in-home family photographer (and friend!) to take her family photographs with the arrival their newest additional. Always, when a photographer books me, it is a huge compliment, but it does come with a small case of nerves!
As a Family Photographer East London (and the rest!) I was excited to venture to this part of the city and meet my friend and her family after months of being under lockdown. I can tell you that instantly I was totally jealous of their beautiful home! I mean, any home with shuttered windows and beautiful wood flooring is a winner!
This little one was 9 days old, so small and sweet and tiny in Dads arms. It was such a blast, made more so by big sister! I find some parents are a little apprehensive spending money on a newborn shoot when they have a toddler. Just the fear that the Toddler might not behave – and sure they’re not going to sit and smile for the whole time – but you will get such a beautiful varierty of images when you have siblings at the newborn shoot. Have a look through some of these lovely East London Family images – and just reach out if you’re thinking about one yourself!
Get in touch here for my Welcome Guide and to get your newborn shoot booked in!

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